Monument Pottery
In operation 1896-1929
Monument porcelain ware, such as baths, French and Roman shape, sinks, laundry tubs, water closets, urinals, lavatories, hospital slop sinks, basins, and sanitary ware (Trenton Board of Trade 1900)
Plumbers’ porcelainware (Industrial Directory 1901)
Porcelain goods (Industrial Directory 1909)
Sanitary earthenware (Industrial Directory 1912, 1918, 1927)
Porcelain sanitary ware (Industrial Directory 1931)
“The Monument Pottery Company are the only producers of the celebrated Monument Porcelain Ware, such as Baths, French and Roman shape, Sinks, Laundry Tubs, Water Closets, Urinals, Lavatories, Hospital Slop Sinks, Basins and Sanitary Ware of all descriptions.”
— Trenton Board of Trade. 1900. Industrial Trenton and Vicinity. George A. Wolf Publishers, Wilmington, Delaware.
Selected References
Trenton Board of Trade. 1900. Industrial Trenton and Vicinity. George A. Wolf Publishers, Wilmington, Delaware.
Monument Pottery Company. 1903. Monument Porcelain. Trenton, New Jersey.
Monument Pottery Company. 1905. Porcelain Plumbing Goods. Trenton, New Jersey.
Harney, W.J. 1929. “Trenton’s First Potteries.” Sunday Times Advertiser, July 7, 14, 21 and 28, 1929.
Abramson, D.V. and T. Karschner. 1978. An Inventory of Historic Engineering and Industrial Sites, Trenton, New Jersey. On file, New Jersey Historic Preservation Office (NJDEP), Trenton, New Jersey.
Robinson, Dorothy and Bill Feeny. 1980. The Official Price Guide to American Pottery & Porcelain. House of Collectibles, Orlando, Florida.
Other Names
Monument Pottery Company; Monumental Company; Monument Pottery; Trenton Sanitary Specialty Company; Trenton Sanitary Specialty
Block and Lot:
46-A4; 46-A5
Historic Street Address:
600 Ingham Avenue; Ingham Avenue and Pennsylvania Railroad
Ewing Township
Map Gallery
Map References
Lathrop, J. M. 1905. Atlas of the City of Trenton and Borough of Princeton. A.H. Mueller & Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Plate 17: shown as “Monument Pottery Co.”)
Sanborn Map Company. 1908. Insurance Maps of the City of Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey, Volume 1. Sanborn Map Company, New York, New York. (Vol.1, plate 62: shown as “Monument Pottery Co.”)
Sanborn Map Company. 1927. Insurance Maps of the City of Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey. Sanborn Map Company, New York, New York. (Vol. 3, plate 314: shown as “Monument Pottery Co.”)