Goldscheider Pottery
In operation 1940-1953
Art ceramics, Goldscheider Ware (Ceramic Age 1942)
“Now in a plant that formerly housed Resolute Pottery in Trenton, NJ, American Goldscheider, Inc. produces some six hundred pieces per week of fine art ware.”
— “Making Goldscheider Ware in America.” 1942. Ceramic Age. On file, Trenton Public Library, Trentoniana Vertical File, Trenton, New Jersey.
Selected References
“Making Goldscheider Ware in America.” 1942. Ceramic Age. On file, Trenton Public Library, Trentoniana Vertical File, Trenton, New Jersey.
“Goldscheiders Produces New Porcelain Base.” 1946. American Ceramic Society Bulletin 25 (12):494.
Lehner, Lois. 1980. Complete Book of American Kitchen and Dinner Wares. Wallace-Homestead Book Company, Des Moines, Iowa.
Kovel, Ralph and Terry Kovel. 1986. Kovel’s New Dictionary of Marks: Pottery & Porcelain 1850 to the Present. Crown Publishers, Inc., New York, New York.
Lehner, Lois. 1988. Lehner’s Encyclopedia of U.S. Marks on Pottery, Porcelain & Clay. Collector Books, Paducah, Kentucky.
Other firms at this site:
Other Names
Goldscheider-USA; Goldscheider-Everlast Corporation; Goldcrest Ceramics Corporation
Block and Lot:
71A/58, 83, 102
Historic Street Address:
Third Street and Schenck Street; 280 Third Street
City of Trenton